Alternative Payment Gateway for Woocommerce

Alternative Payment Gateway for Woocommerce

e-Commerce Blog
I have been running few Woocommerce shopping websites, and the only online payment gateway that runs on the website is Paypal. Is not because i love Paypal, is because it is the easiest to apply, compare to Molpay and Ipay88. Some more, Paypal is ready to use in Woocommerce. Not like Molpay and Ipay88, which you need to develop your own plugin with the provided API, and it is not viable for those who doesn't php programming like me. Until recently, i realized there is another player in Malaysia online payment gateway - SenangPay. Who offer Woocommerce plugin. Setup is easy by just download the plugin, enable it, insert the Merchant ID and secret key and done (Available under your Senangpay account). After read through their website (, Senangpay is…
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Income from Adsense or Blogging Taxable?

Income from Adsense or Blogging Taxable?

e-Commerce Blog
A lot of people are wondering whether their income from Adsense or blogging taxable. I personally wrote to IRC (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia), and they sent me a pamphlet. Below Chart is derived from the pamphlet, that shows the scope of taxation. [caption id="attachment_39" align="alignnone" width="625"] Click to enlarge[/caption] > BUSINESS - Either manufacturing / trading / services > PRODUCTS - Either tangible / intangible > WEBSITE - Identity / queries / order / payment / online delivery > TANGIBLE PRODUCTS - Deliver by normal physical channel > Business activities include sourcing of contents / procurement of goods / promotion and advertisement / selling / arranging of delivery of product / maintaining website
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Tax for e-Commerce

Tax for e-Commerce

e-Commerce Blog
Introduction e-Commerce is any commercial transactions conducted electronically including the activity of providing information, promotion, marketing, supply, order of delievery of goods and services, even though payment and delivery relating to such transactions may be conducted offline Individual / company involves in e-Commerce activities will be taxed under Income Tax Act 1967 e-Commerce Medium Websites (.com, .my, .net, .blog, .facebook, twiter, forum, etc) Mobile Phone Responsibility of the website owner Every business owner must have an income tax file number Declare income / losses received from e-Commerce activities Complete and submit Form e-B via e-Filling if business is a partnership : Complete and submit Form e-P via e-Filling (responsibility of managing partner) Submit Form e-P without partnership's account Inform in wrting to HHDNM if partnership cease operation or changes to…
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